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Reset & Resiliency Coaching

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Common Coaching Requests

I coach on a wide range of coaching areas to help you achieve your goals. While the following list includes my most common requests, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Please reach out to discuss your specific challenge and lets discuss how we can partner up during a complimentary 30-minute Discovery Call.

Relationships, Family, Friends, relationship to self

Relationships, Family, Friends

  • Work/Life Balance

    • burnout 

    • anxietystress

    • loss

  • Marriage/Family

  • Divorce/Newly Single

    • self-discovery

    • re-discovering self

  • Parenting/kids ​​

  • Single parenting

  • Empty Nest Syndrome

Meditation, self care, alignment, purpose, spirituality

Spirituality, Holistic Areas

  • Life transitions

  • Grief & Loss

  • Spiritual Awakenings 

    • guidance 

    • Intentional Life-path & Purpose

    • Self-discovery

Work/Life Balance, Business, Finance, Career

Business, Finance, Career

  • New entry into the workforce or field of employment

  • Re-entry into the workforce 

  • Career Transition:

    • retirement

    • succession

    • relocation

    • entrepreneurship

THIS is your

Kairos Moment...

Reset Your Perspective,
Reset Your Future

Are you ready to make a change in your life?

Hit the Reset Button

Book a Discovery Call today.

I am here to help you through your current challenges, but it is my ultimate goal to help you identify the emotions, triggers and tools
that you have within yourself to do this work WITHOUT me.

 You will only need to look WITHIN for guidance to move toward your best life.

Personalized Attention

Client Reviews

Dubravka G, KS, USA -Feb 2024

"I never expected a coaching session to be so enjoyable!

Christina brought a perfect blend of professionalism and humor to the table. Laughter flowed seamlessly alongside valuable insights, creating a uniquely engaging experience. The session not only lightened my mood but also left me with a fresh perspective on tackling challenges. Highly recommend this coach for anyone seeking a delightful yet impactful coaching journey!"

Matt H, CA. USA -Feb 2024

"Having Christy's life coaching sessions while also being in therapy was one of the best ways for me to better understand myself. Therapy gave me the reflection while Christy provided me tangible actions I could try to improve my day to day. I recommend Christy's life coaching for anyone wanting an easy first step on their mental health journey. "

Christal N, CA, USA - Mar 2024

"I LOVE working with Christy! She has helped me come to epiphanies that has given me strength to break damaging habit and thought cycles. Also helped find coping and grounding techniques that I’ll be able to carry with me forever. Truly invaluable experiences every time we meet. Grateful to have her in my corner for support and highly recommend giving yourself the best chance to thrive in life with her in yours as well!"

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